With the support of the STEM Returners programme, Martin returned to work after a career break. Previously in the finance industry, Martin re-entered to the energy sector with SSE. After completing the programme, Martin was offered a permanent position at SSE.
Here is Martin’s story:
Tell us about you
My name is Martin, and I’m from a small village east of Stirling, West Scotland. I left high school with decent enough grades, opted to go to Napier University to study computing, then moved to Glasgow and started a music degree. While there, I started work for a Bank in their internet banking department and eventually moved into a management position there. Subsequently the majority of my career took me between different financial institutes as a Team Manager, before I eventually moved into Project Management/Change Management.
What was your working background before your career break?
I was working for a pensions provider as a Change Manager under a 6-month renewing contract. At the time I was quite happy with contracting, given the flexibility and financial rewards that it gives. Primarily involved in IT/Finance projects due to the company going through a period of consolidation after acquiring new businesses and integration of IT systems.
Tell us about your career break. Why did you take a break? How long was it for?
My career break was for just over 1 year, and I took it because for two reasons – firstly, my Partner had just given birth to our first child, and secondly my mother passed away unexpectedly, and I needed time to resolve her affairs.
What made you want to return to the industry?
Money, advancing my career again, and a desire to get back into a job with some prospects.
What challenges have you faced when applying for roles? How did those challenges make you feel?
I was aiming to return to contracting work in financial services, but it was just at the tail end of Covid restrictions, and the job market was extremely challenging. I spent several months amending, adjusting, re-writing my CV, and tailoring it for the multiple job applications I went for. For most of them, I got as far as speaking with the contracting agency and having my application put forward for the role but wasn’t receiving many interviews off the back of this. It definitely made me feel frustrated and questioning whether taking time out was the right idea, and/or whether that was directly influencing recruiters in overlooking me for any roles.
How did STEM Returners help?
They were extremely helpful – both in putting me forward for the roles at SSE, helping shape my CV and my interview technique (which I was very rusty in!) and gave me the confidence through their regular contact and support that I could make the transition into a new field and be successful.
What was the end result?
I was initially put forward for one role, and had an interview, but wasn’t successful for that position. However, one of the interviewers contacted me afterwards and told me of another role within the team that she thought I would be more suited for, given my project background. I was invited for an interview for this position, and was successful in being offered the role, which I took up in January 2024.
How has this changed your career?
It has given me the opportunity to move into a role within the energy sector and moving away from Financial Services. I have a huge amount of learning to do, to bring myself up to speed, but it is very difficult to move into a completely different sector, and still achieve a good salary and work at an advanced position. I now have a great deal of opportunities to learn, develop new skills, undertake sponsored training and development within the company and push myself into new and exciting challenges.
What would you say about the programme overall?
Really useful, supporting and effective. Giving people like me a route into an industry where I might otherwise struggle to get opportunities has been very much appreciated. The support from STEM Returners was useful at every step in my journey, and the support and care they showed throughout has been really appreciated in helping me to settle within my new role.
Do you have any advice for returners like yourself?
Focus on what skills you do bring, rather than looking at what gaps you might have. Experience of working in any industry, with people, IT or technical challenges are key skills that are transferrable across most industries and should be recognised as such. Look to tailor your existing skills and experience to the role you’re applying for but be honest with yourself and the interviewer – if you know you lack specific experience, there is nothing wrong in highlighting that and asking what support might be available. Enthusiasm goes a long way towards reassuring an employer that you will be a good fit for their company.
If you would like to register your interest in joining a STEM Returners programme, please visit Returner Registration – STEM Returners or view our current programme opportunities here.